Genting 2012 Part1

Went up to Genting last month for a much needed little getaway with the family! I was already looking forward to it weeks ahead!

Each time after our holiday, we would always say “Let’s go somewhere else next year!” but we always end up going back to Genting year after year. Lol. Before this trip, I went to read my entries for last year’s holiday at Genting and I was wondering how I can ever top last year’s entry, which was so detailed and precise. I thought that I would definitely be doing the same things this year and it’d just be a repeat of last year’s entry! But it turned out that our itinerary this year was quite different and more slow paced as compared to previous years.

So here goes.

On the coach on the way up! I bought this pair of sandals specially for the trip to Genting as my usual pair of black sandals was threatening to fall apart anytime and I did not want to risk having it break in the mid of my trip. Wore this new pair of sandals only once before the trip and after the 4 days at Genting, it broke!!!! Well, I guess I should be happy that it broke only the minute after I got home?

You know what is the most scary thing about a long coach journey? The sudden need to pee, while the coach is in the middle of the highway. I think someone should invent pills that temporary stop the urge to pee! Like when we have flu or headache, popping Panadols stop the sickness for a few hours. Can we have something that works like that for pee?

I could not rest at all throughout the journey although I had very little sleep the night before, because I was trying to concentrate on ignoring my urge to pee. Haha, “Concentrate on ignoring”… what an ironic phrase. We were on the highway and the coach showed no sign of stopping for washroom break and I looked on with dismay as our coach passed by numerous petrol stations and highway public washrooms. My mind was going, “Oh no, is he going to drive all the way up the mountains without stopping??? We haven’t even reach the bottom of the mountain!! I confirm cannot tahan until I reach Genting! Omg omg omg should I ask the driver to stop now?? If I don’t ask now what if later reach the mountain bottom no more washroom already how!!!” I was in agony for so long until I finally worked up the courage to go downstairs to the driver to ask if he could stop somewhere. He replied that we were just a couple of minutes to stopping at the washroom up ahead -_-” Wasted my courage for asking and all my worries for nothing!

Finally, we are up at Genting! Got another story to share about our rooms. We requested for connecting rooms and the staff gave us two side by side rooms that had connecting doors. Except that the connecting doors lead to other people’s room instead of our rooms! So my dad went down to request for connecting rooms again and the hotel staff told him that connecting rooms for deluxe was fully booked and we’d have to downgrade to standard rooms. And he emphasized the words “downgrade” and “rooms are much much smaller”. I think he lazy to help us rearrange for the rooms lor! So my dad went back up to our rooms and told us about it but me and my sister insisted on getting connecting rooms nevermind how smaller it was. The deluxe room was not very big also what, how much smaller can it get?

So me and my sister went down to talk to the hotel staff. Even before I managed to finish my sentence, the hotel staff said “I already spoke to your dad and he said okay”. I answered, “but the rest of us want connecting rooms.” Then he emphasized on “downgrade” and “smaller room” again but I just continued saying “Yes, I don’t care if it is smaller I want connecting rooms”. Before processing, he said again, “Confirm ah, you want to downgrade ah.” YES. YES. YES. I want to downgrade -_-

I want connecting rooms because a single room is very eerie! It’s so much better to have connecting rooms because at least the whole family is together and we can hear each other.

While the hotel staff was processing, I heard the staff beside him saying to another guest “Sir, deluxe room and standard room all SAME SIZE.” Tsk!

So finally, the hotel staff got us connecting standard rooms. Honest opinion, it is not much smaller and it looks so much brighter and better furnished. Sure, there isn’t a hairdryer anymore and the washroom is tiny but we found more good points than bad points about it. So glad we insisted on changing! Even the TV is better now!

Went downstairs for our late lunch. Had simple Char Kway Teow and Fried Rice. Was thinking of the nice brewed milk tea we have in Singapore when ordering tea but when it came I instantly remembered that all tea/coffee in Genting is never freshly brewed. Usually just Lipton tea bag and sugar or 3in1 coffee.

First (& only. I think.) group photo together at Genting! Iphone front camera’s quality. And this is after tweaking the brightness and colors.

Headed to the garden wanting to take some photos but it started drizzling, then raining. That is the reason for the jacket on my sister’s head. Haha.

Took outfit photos under the rain, though you can’t see it from the photo below! My tiger top is from Very comfy piece!

Got “feel” for buffet so we went to the Resort hotel.

The food here is so-so only. Lots of the kind of dishes you see at Nasi Padang stalls. But the teh-tarik was AWESOME.

Here is Mum’s dish of dessert. I did not have any because I’m not a fan of Kueh.

Went back to the hotel to freshen up! See what I mean when I say this year’s trip was more slow-paced? We have been at Genting for a day and we did nothing except heading to the garden for less than 15 minutes and having dinner.

First World Hotel is still so happening even at night.

10 o’clock!

Looking at these photos made me miss it there already! At least when I’m there, I’m stress-free except for complaining about the unstable wifi.

The next morning, we woke up quite late! Last time at Genting we always wake up very early, like 7 or 8am in order not to waste the day. But this year we kept waking up at around 11am and finish getting ready only at close to 1pm!

We bought this instant coffee from the provision shop the day before. Very nice! I wonder if Singapore supermarkets stock up on this brand.

Lunch was Dimsum at Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant!

Bought this bow for my phone.


& Dad.

Our food! Nom noms!

We took the shuttle bus down to Strawberry farm. Will blog about it in my next entry!

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Genting 2012 Part1

3 thoughts on “Genting 2012 Part1

  1. Anonymous says:

    heyy. where is ahyat located at? am heading to Genting next month and am thinking of going to dine there.

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